It is well-known that hair, nails & skin beauty depends not only on carefully selected products and correct treatment but on various elements and vitamin balance in the body as well. As this balance is also crucial for our physical and emotional health, we have to consider if we treat ourselves with enough vitamins before we start blaming the environmental factors for our mental or physical problems. Here are the main elements to keep you healthy and beautiful.

Healthy and beautiful woman by the sea

Photo by Gintautas Rapalis

The alphabet won’t let you forget – A, B, C, D, E vitamins are the foundation of one’s glam and well-being. A – for a precious, acne-free skin, healthy eyes, strong bones, and teeth. B – the lack of this vitamin may cause nervous breakdowns, heavy stress and sadness and these are the greatest enemies of beauty. C – for a healthy heart, quick metabolism and a strong body’s resistance to various infections. D – for your happiness! If you treat yourself with sunbaths quite often the amount of vitamin D might be just enough, but if you spend most of your day in the office your grumpy mood is possibly caused by the lack of this vitamin. E – it is a must, an essential element for a beauty treatment. It moisturizes your skin and delays aging processes.

Healthy and beautiful woman by the sea

Photo by Gintautas Rapalis

We often believe that we receive enough vitamins with food, but in this chaotic daily routine, only a few of us have decent eating habits. Observe your body, find out its needs, fulfill it with vitamins and enjoy well-being and flawless look.